Dienstag, 26. August 2014

My favorite snacks!

Eating healthy is not the easiest thing. During the "big" meals - breakfast,luch,dinner - I always get hungry and need something to snack on. Usually common snacks are something like crisps, cookies and other unhealthy food. Somethimes we are just too lazy to make a snack by ourselves or just too tierd because we just came back from school and are hungry, but dinner isn't finished yet.
So I thought I'll show you some easy and heathly snack Ideas, that I personally like and do.You can also carry them to school, work, to a picknick or serve them on a party!

Banana-Peanutbutter Sandwiches

You need: 1 banana
               A few tablespoons of peanutbutter

Cut various slices of the banana and but on the half of all slices a little bit of peanut butter, then take the blanc banana slice to cover it, just like sandwiches! I also sprinkeled some cinnamon over it.

Chocolate brezels

You need: Mini brezels
               dark chocolate powder

Mix the chocolate powder with a few tablespoons of water till it has a luquidy consistence. Then dip the brezels into the chocolate until they're covered and put them on a plate. Optional is to give almond, hazelnut powder or shredded coconuts onto the chocolate covered brezels. Then put them on a other plate so they don't swim in the chocolate. Leave the plate in the fridge for about 1 h.


Colorful partysticks

You need: Grapes, dates, (feta) cheese, cocktail tomatoes, blueberries, partysticks

I think the pictures explains it ;D. You can use whatever you have at home.


You need:  chickpeas, garlic, sesame seeds, cumin, paprika powder, salt, pepper, olive oil, lemon juice
               (+ additional spice after your prefernece)

I used some pictures in place of an instructure for you! 

                                           *blend the sesame seeds to a paste*

                             *blend the chickspeas in a paste and mix it with the sesame paste*

                                *give as much olive oil (not too much) as you like in the bowl*

                                 *mix all the spices and garlic with a bit of lemon juice*

...serve it with pita bread sticks, pepper and 100 other things after your choice!

I hope this blogpost about my favorite snack was helpful and gave you some ideas.

See you! xo

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